Difficult problems are the most fun to solve, so when Risk Sciences International (RSI) asked us to help develop a new web presence for their unique brand, we were excited for the opportunity. RSI’s main product is the knowledge and expertise of their people. RSI helps organizations from a variety of sectors understand, manage and
...read moreProject Overview DMW is a boutique consultancy in the financial services sector. DMW wanted to redesign their website and turn it into the primary vehicle to attract new clients as well as communicate with existing ones. The challenge for DMW was to stand out in a crowded and at times commoditized service space. Solution 76design
...read moreProject Overview Standards Council of Canada (SCC) provides partner organizations with information about standards regarding safety regulations for consumer products. The volume and complexity of this information requires that users are able to explore it in ways where the relationships and hierarchy of the data become immediately evident. A table-based faceted search, expanding and collapsing
...read moreProject Overview Cisco needed a presentation tool to demonstrate their products and services in a rich, interactive and non-linear way. Available tools such as PowerPoint and other online presentation software just didn’t offer the level of interactivity nor the freedom they required. The tool needed to work on touch screens, offline and online and it
...read moreHow to avoid analysis paralysis and get real in digital product development. 1. Get out of the lab Like Macy Gray would say, you need to get up and get out… how will you make it if you never even try? Product people—as opposed to marketing people—love to work endlessly pushing the last pixel and
...read moreWhen DMW Strategic Consulting approached us to redesign their website, we instantly knew it was one of those projects you’d be talking to your friends over a beer or at home with your partner while making dinner. Not so much because of the cool technology you got to implement—that will instantly make your wife yawn
...read moreUser experience and user interface design are pieces of a bigger customer experience puzzle Most designers and developers of digital products have wrestled with terms such as ‘user experience’ and ‘user interface’. These two terms have been wrongly used, contributing to their cryptic meaning driving any of us increasingly confused. As these practices evolved and
...read moreHTML5 Canvas + EaselJs = A match made in heaven A client came to us recently with the challenge of creating them an interactive, touch-based presentation tool that would allow them to demo their products in an engaging way. It was left up to us to determine what technologies were appropriate in order to achieve
...read moreProject Overview The Canadian Agency for Drug Technologies in Health (CADTH) provides decision-makers with the evidence, analysis, advice, and recommendations they require to make informed decisions in health care. 76design works with CADTH to build, maintain and upgrade its website. The site was ranked first overall in a major academic survey of 119 international evidence-based
...read moreProject Overview As the national voice of Canada’s physicians, the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) is at the forefront of the advocacy movement calling for health care transformation. A patient-centered health care system has been a constant focus of the CMA’s efforts. The CMA was publishing a vast range of traditional print and online publications designed
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